Book review: A Night Divided


    "A Night Divided" is a wonderful book about a family that will do anything to get back together again. It tells about the life in a communist country, and a dangerous path to freedom. From the cold war going on between East Germany and West Germany, to the Russians that have invaded the city, there are many risks in trying to cross the wall to find a better life. With fast paced action, confusing codes, and a plan more dangerous than anyone had expected, this book is sure to keep you turning pages.

    Gerta had never expected the wall to go up. No one had. The Berlin Wall had gone up overnight; a night where her brother, Dominic, and her father were in the West, while she, her mother, and older brother Fritz, were in the East. After four years passed, Gerta sees her brother on the other side of the wall, and the next day, her father.  After mysterious motions, and an unusual drawing, a plan is unfolds. The only question is, will they make it?

    Jennifer A. Neilson has worked her magic once again with the amazing book, "A Night Divided." Previously, I did a review on "Words on Fire" which was also by Jennifer A. Neilson,  and one of my absolute favorites. And although I love this book, "Words on Fire" is still at the top of my list. There are many reasons I love "A Night Divided." First of all, I love how it is so fast paced and interesting. This is definitely a book that's hard to put down. I also love how it tells you all about what their life was like in a communist country, behind the wall. The book, "God's Smuggler" that I've previously done a review on, mentions communist countries a lot, and how hard it was to get into them. So for me, it was cool to get two different angles of what some call, "The Iron Curtain." There are so many twists and turns in this book, that it's hard while talking about it not to spoil anything! This is such a great book with an exiting plot, especially at the end!                                                                              

        The recommended age range for "A Night Divided" is 12-16, although I think it's fine to read if your younger, depending on your reading level. Reading level wise, it is recommended for middle schoolers.   

"A Night Divided" is an amazing book that I would definitely recommend. For this book, I would give five stars.



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