Book Review: Kisses from Katie



             "Kisses from Katie" is an amazing story about a nineteen-year-old missionary that moves to Uganda to help children who are in desperate need of love and care. While caring for hundreds of children every day, she finds fourteen that she decides to adopt. Follow Katie along as she deals with the hardships and joys of living in "the pearl of Africa."

    Katie Davis, at the age of eighteen, decided to go on a missions trip to Uganda, while she was there,  she fell in love with the country. Many people around her probably thought she was crazy when she decided to move there to become a Kindergarten teacher. The more time Katie lived in Uganda though, the less she wanted to go back to the US. But why? Why would she leave all her family and friends in the comfort of  Tennessee to live in a country where hardly anyone spoke the same language, many starved to death, and where she had to sleep underneath mosquito nets? For God. For all the heartbreaking hungry little faces that looked up at her each day. This was what God was calling her to do, so she said yes. 

     From early on in the book I knew that this was a must read. The story of  how Katie Davis said goodbye to everything she knew and loved, to serve God, is absolutely incredible. It was very descriptive when it came to Katie's emotions, which made it easy for me to feel what she felt. This aspect of the story actually brought me to tears, and I don't usually cry because of books. I loved that at the end of  every chapter there was one of  Katie's journal entries. To me, a large portion of the book felt like a sermon, which I liked. Life in Uganda was hard, but "Kisses from Katie" tells about the children and Katie praising God every day, no matter what. This is such an inspirational book.  I simply cannot believe how Katie was able to take care of her own fourteen children, as well as hundreds more. Although (in my opinion) "Kisses from Katie" isn't exactly a book that is hard to put down, it is still a wonderful book.

    The recommended age range for this "Kisses from Katie" is 13-15. It is a great book, but I think that it is best for older kids, preferably within the age range stated. The AR level for  this book is 6.6. 

    This is an amazing autobiography and a must read. I would definitely recommend this book, especially if you looking for an interesting biography. With that said, I give this book five stars.



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